We offer our clients a unique experience which is value for money; not just a holiday but an experience of a life time. A fascinating blend of popular attractions and lesser-known intriguing places are on offer making holidays in Sri Lanka interesting, fun and unique.
Welcome to the general questions and answers section to give you a better understanding of our website. We update the answers to reflect the latest changes and include new concerns. These questions are from travelers like you. We hope you find them helpful and informative.
Please let us know if you encounter any problems or have suggestions. To send a comment, go to our comments and feedback by email page. Please use the word FAQ in your comment.
If you don't find the answer to your general question below, please email your query to reach one of our tour consultants who will respond promptly.
What is Tripwebs.com?
Who owns Tripwebs.com?
What are the services that you provide?.
What are the different kinds of solutions that you provide?.
Can I use information on your website for non-commercial purposes?.
How can I plan a tour package by using information available at your site?.
What is the procedure to book/reserve a tour on Tripwebs.com?.
How do I confirm my holiday once the program and cost is agreed on?.
How do I pay and guarantee confirmation of all arrangements as per our requirements?.
Why I do I have to pay in advance?.
What will happen if I cancel my booking after advance payment?.