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:: Maligawa Tusker, Kandy ::

For over 50 years Raja the legendary tusker served the Maligawa including carrying the golden casket which carried the tooth relic and in 1984 he was declared as a national treasure by the government. This is only the second time a tusker has been declared a national treasure. Raja died In 1988 after a long illness and then it was decided that he to be taxidermised. This is first time a tusker has been taxidermised.
The time an elephant takes to be trained depends on its level of intelligence and obedient nature. It is in this context that Raja, the famous Maligawa tusker who carried the Sacred Tooth Relic for 37 long years takes pride of place among other elephants entrusted with this hallowed task.
According to officials of the Sri Dalada Maligawa, to date no elephant has displayed the qualities Raja had shown when it carried the Sacred Tooth Relic until its death in 1987.
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