A Coastal wetland of Natural origin located in the Dry Zone of the Eastern province. Periyakarachchi and Sinnakarachchi are shallow, brackish water coastal lagoons located along the north eastern coast near Trincomalee. The lagoons contain some mangrove swamps and sea grass beds, but are dominated by extensive inter-tidal mud flats, and are connected to the sea through a narrow canal. The mouth of the Periyakarachchi lagoon has been identified as an IBA by BirdLife International. The lagoons are fairly shallow, with a maximum depth of approximately two metres, although many areas are much shallower and are exposed during low tide. The lagoons are surrounded by natural habitats such as mangroves and scrublands, and managed habitats such as paddy fields and coconut plantations. Noteworthy fauna include two species of birds (Phoenicopterus ruber and Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus). Large mammals such as Elephas maximus are also known to frequent the area. Fishing for finfish and prawns, and salt production are the main land use activities in the lagoons. The lagoon is also used as an anchorage for fishing boats.